The following article appeared in the College Times on January 27, 2004
Learn to Spin
DJ Lessons
by Eddie Shoebang
January 27, 2004
The Details: DJ Lessons @ Scottsdale Community College, 9000 E. Chaparral Road, 480.423.3621
Every kid, way back when, took their parents' Kenny Rogers record and tried to scratch it to recreate a sound they heard on Yo! MTV raps. At least for me, little has changed. But now Rob Wegner, a veteran DJ for over 20 years, wants to help people learn the ways of being a DJ and, if you've got the dream, to make a living off of being the soundtrack to parties.
Rob Wegner, who has been a DJ for over 20 years, wants to teach you how. He has been the resident DJ for such clubs as Sanctuary and Axis/Radius. He started DJ classes in 2001 and the intereste has grown ever since.
DJ Club is taught by Wegner and deals with the history of the DJ, how to use the equipment, basic scratching, and career opportunities.
"No experience is needed to take the class," Wegner said. "All you need is the will and a love of music."
Turntablism I is taught by the legendary DJ Radar. It focuses on teaching the skill as an art form with enhanced scratching skills and various hand and fader techniques.
DJ Radar's class is for experienced DJs or for people who have completed DJ Club who desire to learn more about the art of scratching. At the completion of both courses students will be able to start a career of their own as a DJ which, as the man can tell you, can be profitable and fun.
"Around the Valley, a DJ can make about $150-$300 a night," Wegner said. "Provided that you are good and working on a high profile night like New Years, you can make $20,000 in a night."
DJing is a lot more than just knowing what the popular club beats are or how to segue into another song properly. You also have to learn how to read a crowd which, unfortunately, is something Wegner can't teach you in class.
"It's an acquired skill that takes a really long time to develop," Wegner said. "You have to learn how to pace a crowd, to get them excited, then relax them so you can do it again. But it has to be at the right time."
Though the class begins on the February 4, interested parties can sign up a week after the first class. After that registration closes because, Wegner said, it would be hard to catch up on two classes.